Thursday, May 6, 2010

On Choosing the Right Leader

It's just so sad to know that Filipinos are still foolish to discern who is good for the government most especially for the presidency.

We are looking for someone who will transform our country but our eyes are fixed on someone based on popularity or on who others like most. Some people don't want to waste their votes that is why they are voting for the one who they think will surely win. Pathetic, you might say.

We are looking for someone who can help change our country but we only rely on intelligence and power. Philippines and Filipinos have already seen intelligent leaders in and out of Malacanang but their promises for the welfare of the nation have all been forgotten as it was the least in their agenda. Power and wealth have blinded them all and left us poorer than ever.

It is very unfortunate that people have forgotten that it is only God who can transform people and nation. When we experience natural calamities, we call on God, but we forget to seek Him during election time. We think we can choose the right one.

We are looking for someone who will lead us but we are not good followers either. I believe that Filipinos are wise now, but it is also high time for us to initiate change within ourselves as citizens of the Philippines.

On election day, let us not forget to ask God's guidance and may we vote a RIGHTEOUS leader.

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;but when the wicked rule, the people groan”.Proverbs 29:2