Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pr1mera Natural health Drink- Guyabano

Although it has a less attractive apearance because of spiky skin texture, Guyabano remains to be one of the many fruits with the most effective curative benefits. It is grown mostly in tropical countries and usually eaten raw or made into candies, fruit shakes, ice cream and etc. studies have shown how Guyabano can be 10,000 Times more effective than chemotheraphy for cancer patients.

For more details regarding this fruit vegetable drink, just leave your comment below or email me at

Good day everyone!

Pr1mera Natural Health Drink- Lemon Iced Tea

Besides the fact that drinking tea is already very good to the body, it has more properties proving its helpful uses. One of the main benefits of the Black tea is its ability to improve one’s mental alertness. It has contents that develop the memory.It may also help speed up metabolism which can be used by those trying to lose some weight. Also, some studies have shown its ability to slow down aging process. A reason why some beauty products use tea extracts as one of their ingredients.

For more details regarding this fruit vegetable drink, just leave your comment below or email me at

Good day everyone!

Pr1mera Natural Health Drink- Guava

Guavas are known to strengthen the heart, improve blood circulation, strengthen the digestive system, improve texture of the skin and prevents skin problems.

For more details regarding this fruit vegetable drink, just leave your comment below or email me at
Good day everyone!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Pr1mera Natural Health Drink - Dalandan

Since orange fruits and Dalandan are famous for its rich source of Vit C, its major benefits come from the effects of Vit C to the body. It strengthens the immune system, thus preventing most common illnesses such as fever, cough and colds.

Dalandan also contains numerous minerals which contribute to the health effects of the fruit such as brain booster, strengthens the teeth and bones, and provides good circulation.

For more details regarding this fruit vegetable drink, just leave your comment below or email me at

Good day everyone!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Primera Juice: The Power of 8

Primera is a refreshing FRUIT-VEGETABLE POWDER DRINK specifically created with 7 herbs (malunggay, dahon ng sili, saluyot, talbos ng kamote, carrot, spirulina, barley) plus CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor).  A fantastic tasting beverage for people who rarely takes vegetables and fruits.

A nutritious drink made potent by Primera's Power of 8 signature and is Aspartame-free making it an excellent beverage for dieters and diabetics.

Primera juice is complete with Vitamins, Minerals, Anti-oxidants, Phytochemicals, Fiber, and Micronutrients.  It comes in 4 flavors: Guyabano, Dalandan, Guava, and Lemon Iced Tea.

Malunggay - improves blood pressure, blood sugar level, immune system, skin conditions and eyesight; protects the kidneys and liver; also beneficial for those with ulcer, arthritis, joint pains, headache & migraine, constipation, diarrhea, and malnutrition.

Dahon ng Sili - enhances body metabolism; an excellent expeller of poisons and toxins; it purifies the blood by its cleansing and purging effect; improves circulation by its stimulating properties; promotes healing and prevents infection with its anti-microbial properties; helps breakdown cholesterol deposits in the body, thus reducing risk of heart disease.

Saluyot - known for its anti-aging benefits that help reduce wrinkles and maintain youthful skin; controls blood pressure and cholesterol levels; helps strengthen bones and teeth; aids in lowering risks of having asthma, cancer, diabetes and heart diseases; also a remedy for headache, stomach ache, ulcer, arthritis, urinary bladder problems.

Talbos ng Kamote - strengthen the body's immume system by protecting it from disease-causing bacteria; used as remedy to DENGUE fever as it helps increase platelet count; helps in aiding diabetes, heart diseases, colon cancer, bowel movement problems and high blood presure.

Carrot - the beta-carotene in carrots is excellent in improving eyesight and helps prevent cancer; excellent source of Vit  A which is required for better eyesight and healthy skin; lowers cholesterol and blood pressure; helps in strengthening the colon, heart and lungs; also beneficial for those with gum diaeases, kidney, liver, and gall bladder infection or disease; Colitis, ulcer, Alzheimer's disease, obesity and urinary problems.

Spirulina - used as food supplement to strengthen the immune syatem, brain and the heart; helps prevent cancer; relieves fatigue; capable in aiding in weight loss and lowering LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol level).; reduces hair loss.

Barley - its dietary fiber content improves digestion and strengthens the digestive system; the minerals in barley help prevent cancer, heart failure,and formation of gallstones; barley fights type 2 diabetes, asthma, arthritis and heart diseases; gives protection from post- menopausal breast cancer; effective in reducing LDL or the bad cholesterol level.

CGF (Chlorella Growth Factor) - its detoxifying properties make it effective in cleansing the blood and body; helps improve digestion; regulates blood sugar level and lowers blood pressure; used to help prevent cancer.

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