Monday, February 18, 2013

Guyabarley - THE POWER DUO

The Health Smart Blend


•Prevents UTI

•Prevents constipation thus lowering the risk of colon problems

•Prevents leg cramps

•Prevents water retention, alleviating premenstrual symptoms in women

•Helps the body produce energy by supplying the body a good amount of thiamine, the B vitamin needed in aerobic body production, the process when oxygen is used to help convert sugar into usable energy

•Keeps bones healthy

•Boost good cholesterol levels

•Prevents pregnancy complications because if its folate content

•Helps prevent migraines

•Aside from being a natural cancer treatment, guyabano is a sedative, a tranquilizer and a nerve tonic. It is also effective in maintaining intestinal health like eliminating stomach and bowel discomforts.

•By lowering blood pressure, guyabano has a calming effect on the mood

•Has healing power in twelve (12) types of cancer including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.

•Studies show that the compound extracted from guyabano is 10,000 times more potent in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used drug in chemotherapy. The guyabano compound kills only cancer cells and does not harm healthy cells.


•Known to reduce blood pressure and lower the blood sugar and cholesterol levels

•Slows down the process of stomach emptying and hence the appetite can be controlled due to feelings of satiety.

•Promotes loss of weight

•Recommended for endurance levels and strength

•Alleviates digestive abnormalities such as stomach pain, diarrhea, and inflammatory bowel disorders

•Prevents certain cancers such as stomach cancer

•Can treat bronchitis, a lung disorder

•A rich source of vitamins, fatty oils, proteins and carbohydrates

  For inquiries about this product, just leave your comment/s below or text me at 0922-4150890.  Good day!

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